Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Cool Story Dad

I have no idea what year this story occurred, but for some reason it is the one that I kept thinking about. It was probably between 10-15 years ago in Caldwell. We were driving around while dad was giving us a tour of his personal history. Something sparked and he told us a story that demonstrated just how much tougher his life had been than ours. I don't remember a thing about the story, but I am sure the intent was to make us contemplate our blessings. Immediately upon ending his story Brock said, "cool story dad." Perfectly demonstrating how little he cared about dad's touching story. I am not sure if the story had mustered such little care from everyone else, but Brock's comment definitely destroyed any message they may have taken away. Brock effectively paralyzed dad; he had nothing to say back to his irreverent child. I don't think I have ever heard dad laugh harder or longer than during that drive home.

Again, this story is old and so I may have left something out. Feel free to add to or take from it in the comments.


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