Friday, December 25, 2015

Shark Attack

It was April 2011 Bella and Marissa Wilcox and I ( Dani) decided to go see a movie at the cine-mark 8 theater in bountiful. Soul Surfer just came out that month, getting to cine-mark we purchased our tickets, got some popcorn, and proceeded to our seats. During the movie I started to feel sick after watching the shark bit off the girls arm. I leaned over to Bella telling her that i would be right back, running to the girls bathroom I went into one of the bathroom stalls  sat on the toilet starting taking deep breathes trying to get myself together. Feeling dizzy and lightheaded i decided to get out of the stall walk towards the sinks i sat down soon after I passed out. Little did i know a lady saw me passed out and other girl passed out in a stall the lady called the police. Slowly after i stared to wake up to a officer,  he looked at me asked what did you give her !!!!this is life or death situation !!!!!!what drug did you give her!!! sitting up i held my head said, what are you talking about i don't even know her. The officers continued to yell at me saying don't lie to me what did you give her. The workers stopped the movie and turned on the lights in the soul surfer movie realizing that there was at least 10 other people passed out in the theater. After the officer left the girls bathroom a sweet lady took my hand and asked who should i call telling my moms number she calls my mother. Still laying on the bathroom floor my mom runs in starts checking on me and helping me out. More officers came in started testing the drinks and the popcorn. Finding out that the popcorn has been tampered . My Mom helping me get into the car Bella and Marissa called there mom to pick them up and told her what they thought happened. When i left the workers stared to give the soul surfer watchers bounce back tickets to apologizes for the convinces. Getting home i laid down on the couch, resting on the couch i had four visitor , the first 3 visors were Lesa Bella and Marissa checking on me making sure i was ok they brought me balloons with a cake. When the Wilcox's left is when my fourth visitor came it was the officer that yelled at me from the cine-mark theater apologizes for what had happened telling my mom that something was wrong with the popcorn .On the way out the door that officer gave me a kid police sticker Badge. That day was truly a crazy, weird, and new experience Day.  

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Whistling Pete

One regular evening while I (Jake) was in junior high I was talking with a girl on the cordless phone. In my possession I had a couple packs of Whistling Petes; fireworks that do nothing but whistle. I remember saying something like, "I should light one off in the house." She told me there was no way I would, so I promptly hung up and set out to prove her wrong. I figured in the downstairs shower would be the best place to light it. So I did think a little about safety, but didn't think about backing out. There are two things you don't understand about fireworks that are lit indoors. First, they are much louder inside than you would ever imagine. Second, the amount of smoke let out by a Whistling Pete is unbelievable. As soon as I set if off and made these discoveries I realized I made a bigger mistake than anticipated. I ran into Brock and Ricky's room and hid under one of their beds without explaining myself or threatening them to keep their mouths shut. Seconds later mom and dad ran down in a panic, finding the entire basement filled with smoke and a screeching that had just concluded. I can't imagine the things they thought could be happening. I know they immediately realized Brock and Ricky were innocent because they were just sitting innocently on their beds. That meant I was the only possible perpetrator. I don't recall my little brothers ratting on me like I thought they would. I gave myself up and somehow escaped any real punishment. I recall telling that girl the rest of the story the next day at school only to find that she was highly unimpressed.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Cool Story Dad

I have no idea what year this story occurred, but for some reason it is the one that I kept thinking about. It was probably between 10-15 years ago in Caldwell. We were driving around while dad was giving us a tour of his personal history. Something sparked and he told us a story that demonstrated just how much tougher his life had been than ours. I don't remember a thing about the story, but I am sure the intent was to make us contemplate our blessings. Immediately upon ending his story Brock said, "cool story dad." Perfectly demonstrating how little he cared about dad's touching story. I am not sure if the story had mustered such little care from everyone else, but Brock's comment definitely destroyed any message they may have taken away. Brock effectively paralyzed dad; he had nothing to say back to his irreverent child. I don't think I have ever heard dad laugh harder or longer than during that drive home.

Again, this story is old and so I may have left something out. Feel free to add to or take from it in the comments.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Our dad seems to accomplish everything he sets his mind to. However, there is one thing we have heard him talk about over the years that he has never begun: The Rose Family Record. There is a decent chance the record exists somewhere and nobody has seen it, but we will get the ball rolling on the off chance it doesn't. Periodically when something funny happens or when some blessing comes to the family dad would say something to the effect of, "we should really write this stuff down so we don't forget all of these things." Our memory isn't as good as our lives have been, but hopefully this will help.

The reality is that we have all been blessed far beyond our understanding. Near the top on our list of blessings is being born to you, mom and dad. We have been blessed with every opportunity, we have been blessed with an incredible family culture, and we have been loved and taught to love by the best.

We look forward to helping you collect stories from the past as well as add them as life happens.